Hello and welcome to my little itty bitty corner of the net! Whether you are a friend, family member, or just a stranger who stumbled upon this site, I really hope you enjoy it here! Before entering, here are some things to keep in mind:
This site may/will contain: profanity, sensitive topics (at some points in diary),flashing images, and lots of typos!! (Will update if needed!)
THIS SITE ISN'T MOBILE FRIENDLY!! D: It was made on google chrome and not at all suitable for mobile!! Keep in mind that this website is still a WIP and needs a lot of updating so bare with me.. ;v; And for those who want to know, theres no autoplaying music on this site and it is SFW! :D
Click on the Isha Plush to go to the HOME page!!
hehe spinning sans
(credits go to Frodoomsday on Tumblr for the Sans :3)